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Mongolian yurt for the kids

Amidst our picturesque Schwarzbauer garden, rises a unique place of care and education: a nursery in a spacious yurt. This unconventional yet enchanting setup invites children to discover a world of adventure and creativity.
The spacious yurt, with its gentle curves and traditional patterns, creates a cozy atmosphere where little ones feel safe and inspired. The soft light streaming in through the opening in the center of the yurt creates an enchanting play of shadows and brightness that stimulates children's imaginations.

The yurt itself is surrounded by a naturalistic garden that offers children the opportunity to explore nature's treasures. Here they can discover plants and flowers, observe small insects and help in a kid-friendly vegetable garden.
The caregivers who run this unique nursery are dedicated Montessori educators who encourage the children's curiosity and support their journey of discovery.

In this extraordinary environment that bridges tradition and innovation, children experience not only a care facility, but a truly inspiring journey of learning and growth. The Children's Yurt Daycare creates a loving community where children can unleash their imaginations and thrive in a harmonious interplay of people and nature.

Amidst our picturesque Schwarzbauer garden, rises a unique place of care and education: a nursery in a spacious yurt. This unconventional yet enchanting setup invites children to discover a world of adventure and creativity.
The spacious yurt, with its gentle curves and traditional patterns, creates a cozy atmosphere where little ones feel safe and inspired. The soft light streaming in through the opening in the center of the yurt creates an enchanting play of shadows and brightness that stimulates children's imaginations.

The yurt itself is surrounded by a naturalistic garden that offers children the opportunity to explore nature's treasures. Here they can discover plants and flowers, observe small insects and help in a kid-friendly vegetable garden.
The caregivers who run this unique nursery are dedicated Montessori educators who encourage the children's curiosity and support their journey of discovery.

In this extraordinary environment that bridges tradition and innovation, children experience not only a care facility, but a truly inspiring journey of learning and growth. The Children's Yurt Daycare creates a loving community where children can unleash their imaginations and thrive in a harmonious interplay of people and nature.

Children Yoga

Yoga for children is a wonderful journey into the world of mindfulness and movement. With playful poses that imitate animals or are based on adventures, young yogis discover a fun and relaxed way to exercise.

Yoga for children is a wonderful journey into the world of mindfulness and movement. With playful poses that imitate animals or are based on adventures, young yogis discover a fun and relaxed way to exercise.

During this time, fantastic events take place where the little ones experience a variety of adventures. Two experienced educators have prepared very special activities for the four to fourteen year olds. Exciting adventures in our garden, creative design and shared experiences await the kids. Until 30th of June one child under 10 years stays free of charge with two full-paying adults in the room (minimum stay 4 nights).

Services included
  • 4 nights or more at the Hotel Schwarzschmied
  • Breakfast and dinner in our Slow Food Restaurant "La Fucina
  • Schwarzschmied activity programme
  • Yoga for kids
  • Professional childcare with felting, handicrafts, group and board games in the new Mongolian yurt
  • Grander water in the entire house
  • Mobility card for the use of all public transport

Valid until 31. July 2024

4 Nights
Per Person from

Dich erwartet eine Mischung aus dynamischen, kreativen Vinyasa Flows und Deep Dive Sessions wie Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Breathwork und Coaching. Gemeinsam erfahren wir moderne Spiritualität und lernen, was „everyday magic“ bedeutet.

Die kraftvollen Vinyasa Flow Stunden unterstützen dich dabei, dich zu spüren, in deinen Körper zu kommen und dich auf spielerische Art und Weise mit dir selbst zu verbinden. In den Deep Dive Sessions nutzen wir diese Verbindung, um tiefer in uns selbst einzutauchen. Dort kannst du zur Ruhe zu kommen, auflösen, was dich davon abhält, selbst zu sein und die Verbundenheit und Schönheit deines Wesens wahrzunehmen und zu erkennen. Außerdem zeigen wir dir, wie du diese Erfahrungen integrieren und auch nach dem Retreat mit in deinen Alltag nehmen kannst.

  • 3 Übernachtungen im Hotel Schwarzschmied
  • Frühstück im „La Fucina“
  • Mittag oder Abendessen in unseren Slow Food Restaurants „La Fucina“ oder Bistro „Luce“ (gegen Aufpreis)
  • Yoga-Ausrüstung (Matte, Meditationskissen, Yoga-Blöcke) wird kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt 
  • 3 x Yogapraxis am Morgen
  • 3 x Nachmittagssession
  • Grander Wasser im gesamten Haus
  • Mobilitätskarte zur Nutzung aller öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel
Über Sophia Thora & Jana Rexha

Für Sophia sind Yoga - in allen seinen verschiedenen Aspekten - und verschiedene Tools der persönlichen Weiterentwicklung, ihr Kompass für ein gesundes und ausgeglichenes Leben. Die Leidenschaft der gebürtigen Münchnerin ist es, verschiedenste Tools von Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Spiritualität und Yoga auf ihrem eigenen Weg auszuprobieren und diese mit anderen zu teilen. 

Jana ist von ganzem Herzen Yogalehrerin, Gestalterin, Schülerin, Gefühlsmensch und Ästhetin. Sie sieht uns Menschen als ganzheitliche Wesen und Teil der Natur und genau das lässt sie Yoga immer wieder spüren. Mit allem, was dazugehört. Bewegung, von ruhig bis anspruchsvoll, ist Yoga dabei ihr täglicher Begleiter und hat ihr den Mut und das Vertrauen gegeben, sie selbst zu sein. In ihrem Alltag begleiten sie neben Yoga und Bewegung auch wertvolle Techniken wie Breathwork, Meditation und spirituelle Rituale, wobei sie letztere besonders gerne in der Gemeinschaft zelebriert. Als studierte Fitnessökonomin legt sie viel Wert auf eine achtsame und bewusste körperliche Ausrichtung. 

Valid until 6. January 2025

5 Nights
Per Person from

Pappagorgia is a brand new series of community events by A Kind of Guise designed to bring good vibes and amazing people together across Europe. These events encompass elements of food, drinks, music, and, most importantly, bring together like-minded individuals who share a common mindset regarding love, peace, and (e)quality.

Due to limited capacities, act swiftly to secure your spot. The AKOG team is poised to provide you with top-notch quality and service.

  • Two nights for two people at Hotel Schwarzschmied (50 metres from Villa Arnica)
  • á la carte Breakfast with farmers products served daily
  • Friday: Plant based Dinner amidst the vineyards (drinks included)
  • Saturday: Tour & wine tasting at a local winery
  • Saturday: Dinner at the Villa garden (drinks included) followed by festivity & live music
  • Bookable also for one person for €900,-

For the inaugural event, none other than the cherished Villa Arnica in Lana, South Tyrol, Italy has been choosen. The Summer Party will take place on Friday, September 27th, starting at 6 pm. Secure your tickets and explore exclusive accommodation offers either within the Villa itself or with our partners at Schwarzschmied.

Join an unforgettable summer night, commencing with sundowner cocktails by the pool, followed by a delectable Barbecue in the garden of the Villa. Various beverages and exclusive products will accompany you throughout the night. Live music will set the tone, ensuring a memorable evening of dancing. Please note, that a classic, but relaxed dress code is required for the evening.

27. - 29. September 2024

2 Nights
Price per room