Mediterranean, yet Alpine.
Let us inspire you and be surprised.
Amidst green slopes, apple orchards and vine leaves, the Schwarzschmied looks almost like a mirage, half way between an amphitheatre and a concert hall. Did someone say ‘reservation’?
Amidst green slopes, apple orchards and vine leaves, the Schwarzschmied looks almost like a mirage, half way between an amphitheatre and a concert hall. Did someone say ‘reservation’?
The elegant, comfortable and 48m² Junior Suites are mainly furnished with natural materials and have a beautiful terrace directions. The wooden floors are made of oak. The rooms are furnished with artwork by the artist Hannes Egger.
Junior Suite for 2 - 3 People
New: Junior Suite 48m²
The elegant, comfortable 55m² suite is mainly furnished with natural materials and has a beautiful east-facing terrace. The wooden floors are made of oak. The rooms are decorated with artwork by the artist Hannes Egger.
Suite for 2 - 4 People
New: Suite 55m²
The elegant and comfortable 36m² double rooms in the garden wing are mainly furnished with natural materials. They have a balcony or terrace (south). The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathrooms are partly open. The rooms were furnished by artist Hannes Egger with a small library as a work of art.
Double Room for 2 - 4 People
Garden Room 36m²
The elegant suite in the main bulding with a three-sided glass front has comfortable spatial seperations and a large south-facing terrace. Our wonderful wooden floors are made of oak and the bathrooms are partly open. Kids have the opportunity to sleep separately in their own room. All of the rooms were furnished with a performative work of art by artist Hannes Egger. Our rooftop suites were awarded with the German Design Award 2019.
Suites for 2 - 6 People
Rooftop Suite 75m²
The elegant suite in the garden wing with a three-sided glass front has comfortable spatial separations and a south-facing balcony. The children have the opportunity to sleep separately in their own room. The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathrooms are partly open. The rooms were furnished by artist Hannes Egger with a small library as a work of art.
Suite for 2 - 4 People
Garden Suite 50m²
The elegant, comfortable and 36m² double rooms are mainly furnished with natural materials and have a beautiful terrace directions. The wooden floors are made of oak and the bathrooms are open. The rooms are furnished with artwork by the artist Hannes Egger.
Double Room for 2 - 4 People
Rooftop Room 36m²
The elegant suite in the garden wing with a three-sided glass front has comfortable spatial separations and has a private pergola. The children have the opportunity to sleep separately in their own room. The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathrooms are partly open. The rooms were furnished by artist Hannes Egger with a small library as a work of art.
Suite for 2-4 People
Garden Suite Deluxe 50m²
The elegant, comfortable and 36m² double rooms are mainly furnished with natural materials and have east/west balconies depending on the orientation. The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathrooms are open. The rooms are furnished with a performative artwork by the artist Hannes Egger.
Double Room for 2 persons
Double Room 36m²
The double rooms in our Schwarzschmied Residence (not directly connected to the main house), small and fine.
Double room for 2 persons
Residence Small 21m²
The double rooms in our Schwarzschmied Residence (not directly connected to the main house), small and fine.
Double room for 2 persons
Residence Medium 30m²
In the family rooms in our Schwarzschmied Residence (not directly connected to the main house) there is room for the whole family. Here, the children have the option of sleeping separately in their own room.
Family room for 2 to 4 persons
Family Room 40m²
The elegant, comfortable 50m² suite is mainly furnished with natural materials and has a beautiful terrace facing east. The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathroom is open. The rooms are furnished with artwork by the artist Hannes Egger.
Suite for 2 - 3 People
Rooftop Suite small 50m²
The new double room in the main house is mainly furnished with natural materials and has a west-facing balcony. The wooden floors are made of oak, the bathroom is open. The room has been furnished with work of art by Hannes Egger.
Double room for 1 to 2 persons
Small Double Room 22m²
With this exclusive package, you can experience South Tyrol in a unique way. Enjoy the freedom that an E-Bike gives you: explore the breathtaking South Tyrolean landscape without breaking a sweat – whether you're cycling through gentle vineyards, along serene riverbanks, or climbing up to awe-inspiring mountain views. Let yourself be captivated by the beauty of the region.
After a day spent outdoors, you can indulge in the serene haven of our wellness oasis, nestled among picturesque vineyards. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of our spa and savor regional culinary delights – all at your own pace.
You will also have access to the comprehensive Schwarzschmied Activity Program: daily yoga sessions help find your inner balance, guided hikes show you the best trails of the region, and much more – all designed to enhance your well-being.
Discover the perfect blend of activity and relaxation – your adventure on two wheels awaits.
Das (P)REHAB Retreat begleitet dich auf der Reise, deine Verbundenheit mit dir selbst zu stärken und deine körpereigene Intuition neu zu entdecken. Dies geschieht durch die Kombination von Wissenschaft & Spiritualität in den Bereichen Breathwork, Meditation und Bewegung. Es ist also kein „klassisch-tradioneller“ Ansatz eines Yoga Retreats, sondern bietet dir die Möglichkeit, individuell therapeutisch und ganzheitlich mit dir in Verbindung zu kommen. Es geht nicht nur darum, dich durch Yoga besser zu fühlen, sondern auch besser im Fühlen zu werden.
Die Stunden umfassen therapeutische Yoga-Übungen, die die körperliche und geistige Wahrnehmung schärfen und individuelle Bedürfnisse berücksichtigen. Die Intensität wird dem Tagesrhythmus anpasst: Morgens ist die Praxis stärkend, abends führt sie zur Ruhe. Der Embodiment-Ansatz ermöglicht es, sich selbst besser zu spüren und das System durch sanft therapeutisches Yoga ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen.
Welcome Circle
17:00 - 18:30 Uhr therapeutische Yogastunde
Montag - Mittwoch
08:00 - 09:30 Uhr therapeutische Yogastunde
17:00 - 18:30 Uhr therapeutische Yogastunde
08:00 - 09:30 Uhr therapeutische Yogastunde
Closing Circle
*evtl. Änderungen am Programm sind vorbehalten
- für alle Level -
- Meditation, Pranayama, dynamisch aktiver Yoga-Flow, therapeutisches Yoga, Embodiment -
Als Yoga & Meditationslehrerin mit therapeutischem und trauma-sensiblem Fokus, liegt es Anja sehr am Herzen, Menschen ganzheitlich zu unterstützen. Dafür verbindet sie ihre Expertise aus den Bereichen Yoga & Achtsamkeitscoaching, sowie der Sportwissenschaft & Naturheilkunde miteinander. Seit über 10 Jahren leitet sie Individuen und Gruppen in Bewegung an. Diese umfassende Erfahrung integriert sie seit 2015 in Yoga Stunden und bildet seit 2018 auch Schüler:innen in Yoga Ausbildungen aus, insbesondere in Anatomie und Embodiment.
Dich erwartet ein Retreat mit einem genussvollen und nahbaren Zugang zu Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit. Dazu gehören sowohl Vinyasa Flows und fließende Bewegungen als auch Yin Yoga, Atmung und Meditation. Gleichzeitig wird Lili ihren Hintergrund aus dem systemischen Coaching einfließen lassen. Ein Ausflug raus aus dem alltäglichen Leben - rein in eine bunte Welt voller Ruhe und Inspiration. Zwischen den Yogaeinheiten hast du Zeit, in die Sonne zu blinzeln, den wunderschönen Wellnessbereich zu entdecken und die Natur zu genießen. Nutze diese Tage, um dich voll und ganz mit dir selbst zu verbinden, und bei tiefer Entspannung deine Lebendigkeit zu spüren.
16:30 - 18:00 Uhr Yoga Afternoon Session Workshop oder Yoga Flow
08:00 - 09:30 Uhr Yoga Morning Practice
16:30 - 18:00 Uhr Yoga Afternoon Session Workshop oder Yoga Flow
08:00 - 09:30 Uhr Yoga Morning Practice
16:30 - 18:00 Uhr Yoga Afternoon Session Workshop oder Yoga Flow
08:00 - 09:30 Uhr Yoga Morning Practice
*evtl. Änderungen am Programm vorbehalten
- für alle Level -
- Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, Atmung, Meditation -
Lili liebt Bewegung, Natur, Verbindung und persönliche Weiterentwicklung. Sie genießt es, Menschen zusammenzubringen und sie dabei zu unterstützen, in ihrer vollen Größe zu strahlen. Für sie ist Yoga die Tür zu einem Raum voller Lebensenergie, Leichtigkeit und Stille. Dies brachte sie auf den Weg, Yoga zu unterrichten und als systemischer Coach zu arbeiten. Ihre Klassen sind geprägt von fließenden, intuitiven Bewegungen. Sie verbindet herausfordernde Asanas mit dem Loslassen. Smarte, ausgleichende Sequenzen und unterstützende Assists sind für Lili ein zentraler Bestandteil einer Yogastunde, um ihren Schüler*innen eine nachhaltige und prägende Erfahrung zu ermöglichen.