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Our Touch

Our touch

Pause, let go, rest, regenerate, take account of every little movement, consciously feel the passing of time. At Schwarzschmied’s SPA, we take care of your health through our holistic approach to physical and mental well-being.

Pause, let go, rest, regenerate, take account of every little movement, consciously feel the passing of time. At Schwarzschmied’s SPA, we take care of your health through our holistic approach to physical and mental well-being.

Slow Down

Organic sauna, Finnish outdoor sauna and steam bath, relaxation rooms with organic tea and lemonade bar, an indoor pool and a year-round heated outdoor pool with vitalised Grander water cater to your slow-down cravings. The massage and beauty treatment options are diverse. We are happy to advise you.

Organic sauna, Finnish outdoor sauna and steam bath, relaxation rooms with organic tea and lemonade bar, an indoor pool and a year-round heated outdoor pool with vitalised Grander water cater to your slow-down cravings. The massage and beauty treatment options are diverse. We are happy to advise you.

The good things that count
"Inform us about medical particularities, allergies or restrictions. We respectfully take your life circumstances into consideration, also in the spa, in our treatments and massages, and related to this, also in the kitchen. We want you to pursue and indulge your interests and inclinations. Feel your holiday, enjoy your body and open your mind."

Stefanie Dariz - Spa Hotel Schwarzschmied

Genuine, simple, emotion meets compositions with temperament and passion. We are inspired by the products of our region - welcome to a culinary journey in South Tyrol.

Services included
  • 3 nights at the Hotel Schwarzschmied (stay within Sunday to Thursday)
  • Breakfast at "La Fucina"
  • One dinner at the Slow Food Restaurant "La Fucina"
  • One dinner at 1477Reichhalter
  • Schwarzschmied activity programme
  • Grander water in the entire house
  • Connection with wellness experts and opportunity for private sessions
  • Mobilcard for usage of public transport

Valid until 11. January 2026

3 Nights
Per Person from

Vinyasa Flow Yoga has a wonderful potential to be complete practice: therapeutic and energizing for the body, mind and spirit and a wonderful platform for creative expression. Align with the beauty of nature - mountains, rivers and the colors of autumn in this 5 day retreat for all. Simon will guide twice daily yoga practices flowing from dynamic to restorative, meditation, Thai Massage and Asana Lab. Develop a thorough understanding of the dynamic actions required to make each pose vibrant and alive. Through mindful yoga practice, we will explore the principles that build the bridge from a foundational to advanced practice. Gain a better understanding of the physical and energetic principles from Yoga and Healing traditions. Integrate a deeper understanding of alignment to grow safely in your practice. The retreat is designed for students of all traditions of yoga and will be informative for teachers. Finally, we will explore the link between physical practice with the spiritual path with meditation and contemplation of universal yogic themes. We will create space for spiritual exploration; allowing yourself to make the journey from a purely physical space toward self inquiry and growth.

Inclusive services
  • 4 nights at Hotel Schwarzschmied
  • Breakfast at "la Fucina" restaurant
  • Lunch or Dinner at "la Fucina" restaurant (for an extra charge)
  • 4 Yoga sessions in the morning (90 - 120 minutes)
  • 4 Yoga sessions in the evening (90 minutes)
  • Personal guidance and expertise of Simon Park in each session
  • Grander water in the entire house
  • Mobilcard for usage of public transport
About Simon Park

Simon brings 25 years of study, practice, and assisting with world renowned master teachers Maty Ezraty, Shiva Rea, Richard Freeman, and Dharma Mittra. Simon Park began his Yoga journey in 1995 with Shiva Rea in the World Arts and Cultures Department at UCLA. Later acclaimed by Yoga Journal as "one of the most influential and gifted Yoga teachers of the next generation”, he has been leading workshops, teacher trainings, and retreats around the world since 2002. His free-style Vinyasa is fluid, intuitive, and encourages freedom through self-expression. Profoundly influenced by the teachings of Shiva Rea, Richard Freeman, Maty Ezraty, Joan White, and Dharma Mitra, 'Liquid Flow Yoga' feels like a beautiful dance between classical and modern Yoga. Dubbed the "Flying Nomad", he draws inspiration from road legends such as Jimi Hendrix, who said, "the Earth is my home”.

20. - 24. October 2024

4 Nights
Per Person from

Im Trubel des Alltags gehen uns die Leichtigkeit und das Wissen um unser wahres Sein manchmal abhanden. Spürst du deine Anbindung, deine Erdung, deine innere Weite? Ahnst du deine tiefsten Sehnsucht und innigsten Wünsche? Dieses Retreat lässt dich tief eintauchen und will dich wieder daran erinnern.

  • 3 Übernachtungen im Hotel Schwarzschmied
  • Frühstück im "la Fucina"
  • Mittag oder Abendessen in unseren Slow Food Restaurants „La Fucina“ oder Bistro „Luce“ (gegen Aufpreis)
  • Yoga-Ausrüstung (Matte, Meditationskissen, Yoga-Blöcke) wird kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt
  • Sonntag 16.00 – 17.30 Welcome to yourself
  • Montag & Dienstag 07.30 – 08.15 Pranayama und Meditation, 11.30 – 13.00 Asana Praxis (Hatha&Vinayasa), 18.00 – 19.15 Stretching und Kundalini Experience
  • Mittwoch 07.30 – 09.00 Back to everyday life
  • Grander Wasser im gesamten Haus
  • Mobilitätskarte zur Nutzung aller öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel
Über Magdalena Tauber

Ich bin Magdalena, Yogalehrerin, Masseurin und Mama vom kleinen Sonnenschein Lotta. 2008 tritt Yoga in mein Leben, fünf Jahre später mache ich in Indien meine erste Yogalehrer-Ausbildung. Es folgen weiterführende teacher-trainings bei Karin Furtmeier und Diana Sans. 2024 schließe mein Training als Kundalini-Yogalehrerin ab. Ich unterrichte seit 2015 und begleite seit einigen Jahren Yogareisen und Retreats in Südtirol und Italien. Ich freue mich, Dich deinem inneren Licht näherzubringen und es nach außen strahlen zu lassen!

24. - 27. November 2024

3 Nights
Per Person from